Keep it Rollin

Dustin, Cars, Trucks, Bikes &

His Crew

Dustin loved to ride and drive. He was an outdoorsman. He was an avid fisherman and hunter. Dustin’s love for the outdoors never went unnoticed. If he was outside, he was happy and he made the best of it. 

Dustin had a unique ability to gather people and have them all become friends. And, his crew always got involved in his passions for riding, driving, and the outdoors.

We want to help others enjoy the outdoors and find their passions and their happiness. We want to encourage families and friends to spend time together making memories by enjoying what nature has to offer. 

Silver Creek

Pump Track

Dedicated in Dustin's Name

On September 10, 2021, the City of Berea, Kentucky, opened Silver Creek Bike Park. This state-of-the-art mountain bike trail was built and designed by Andrew Parsons and AGT Engineering.

The Bike Park’s Pump Track was dedicated in Dustin’s name and provides the perfect destination for families and friends, and those in the local and regional community to gather, spend time together, and enjoy the outdoors.

We are working with the City of Berea to host an annual event on The Pump Track as part of our nonprofit mission to “Keep It Rollin’.”

Mountain Bikes

for middle schoolers

With the City of Berea & Dick's sporting goods

Event Details


The recipient of a new mountain bike:

  • Must be a middle school student at Farristown, Foley or Berea Community Middle School
  • Must be a student with a strong character, a love for life, and a passion for outdoor hobbies
  • Must be in good standing, both academically and socially with his/her school
  • Must demonstrate a need for a new mountain bike


Application instructions:

Provide an informative paragraph letting us know a little about you and your plans for what you would do with a new mountain bike.

Email your paragraph to  [email protected] by Sept. 30th

The mountain bike will be awarded and presented to each recipient prior to fall break.



Dustin was a part of a group of boys and girls that enjoy driving or “cruising” and during the pandemic this was one activity that they could still do as a group but remain safe by staying in their own vehicles. Several members of Dustin’s crew asked if we would be willing to have a cruise to honor Dustin’s memory on the first Saturday after we lost him. This was their way to show their respect for him.

                                                                            The cruise is now an annual event 

                                            Held on the first Saturday following July 11th each year. 

The 2022 annual Drive for Dustin was a huge success! We would like to thank everyone who participated and give a special  THANK YOU to the Berea Police Dept., Madison County Sheriff Dept., Richmond Police Dept. and the KY State Police. We appreciate your support and look forward to continuing this tradition. It allows us all to reflect on our memories of Dustin and create new memories in his honor.